Rebook | Rebook Orders

How do I rebook my refunded delivery in Parcels™?

Rebook Delivery
This module is a guide on how Parcels™ users can rebook their order/delivery once their booking gets refunded.
Important Note: Only orders with a “Refunded” payment status can be rebooked.

rebooking - important note
This article may update from time-to-time without notice. Kindly refresh frequently to view updates.


To Rebook a Refunded Delivery:
1.      In the Parcels™ homepage, locate the Cancelled status in the My Orders section.
2.      Click the Arrow button to view Cancelled orders.
3.      Select a Refunded order.

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4.      Click Rebook Order.

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Note: Delivery details (Pickup Details, Drop-off Details, Vehicle Type, Item Type) are retained, unless you would want to edit them.

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5.      Choose again a Courier.

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6.      Re-enter the declared item price, if any.

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7.      Choose an Item Insurance.

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8.      Click Review Payment Summary.

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9.      Review payment details in the Payment Summary page.
10.      Click Pay with GCash.

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Note: There are times that courier rates may change. If the courier rate changes, a notice will appear.

courier rate change
11.      GCash’s default payment page will appear. Review the details again.
12.      Click Pay.

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13.      Click Proceed.

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14.      Wait for the Parcels™ system to place your order.

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15.      Once the order is placed, click the View My Orders button.

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16.      You will now be redirected to the My Orders page.
17.      The rebooked order can now be viewed under the Pending status section.

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