Delivery Details | Add New Order

How do I add pickup and drop-off details when I book a delivery with Parcels™?

Delivery Details (Pickup & Drop-off)
This module is a guide on how to add order details (Pick-up and Drop-off Details) to your On-Demand or Standard Deliveries in Parcels™.
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Add Pickup Details

To Enter the Pickup Details:
1.      Enter the following Pickup Details:
            a. Pickup Address
            b. Sender Details
            c. Note to Rider (Optional)

add pickup details - pickup details

Add Sender Details

To Enter the Sender’s Contact Details:
2.      Enter the following Sender Details:
            a. Mobile No.
            b. Full Name
            c. Email Address (Optional)
add pickup details - sender details

Add Sender Address

To Enter the Pickup Address:
3.      Enter the following Address Details:
            a. Unit/Floor/House No.
            b. Building/Street
            c. Province/City/Barangay
            d. Postal Code (Optional)
            e. Landmark (Optional)

add pickup details - address details
Note: Once the Province/City/Barangay field is clicked, User can scroll or search the location on the Select Province, Select City, and Select Barangay tabs.

add pickup details - province, city, barangayadd pickup details - provinceadd pickup details - city.    add pickup details - barangay
4.      Click Submit Details. The Pin Location map will now load.

add pickup details - 4

5.      Check the pinned Pickup Address.

add pickup details - 5
Note: In the Pin Location map, you can review or adjust the pin address.

add pickup details - pin loc map
6.      Click Confirm Pickup Location.

add pickup details - 6

7.      You will be redirected to the Add New Order page to add other booking details.

add pickup details - 7
Note: You can also add a note for your  rider.

add pickup details - note
Note: You can edit the Sender Details by clicking the Edit icon in the Sender Details field.

edit pickup details

Drop-off Details

To Enter the Drop-off details:
1.      Enter the following Drop-off Details:
            a. Drop-off Location
            b. Recipient Details
            c. Note to rider (Optional)

add drop-off details - 1

Add Recipient Details

To Enter the Recipient’s Contact Details:
2.      Enter the following Recipient Details:
            a. Mobile No.
            b. Full Name
            c. Email Address (Optional)

add drop-off details - 2

Add Recipient Address

To Enter the Recipient’s Address:
3.      Enter the following Address Details:
            a. Unit/Floor/House No.
            b. Building/Street
            c. Province/City/Barangay
            d. Postal Code (Optional)
            e. Landmark (Optional)

add drop-off details - recipient address
Note: Once the Province/City/Barangay field is clicked, User can scroll or search the location on the Select Province, Select City, and Select Barangay tabs.
add drop-off details - province, city, barangayadd drop-off details - province
add drop-off details - cityadd drop-off details - barangay
4.      Click Submit Details. The Pin Location map will now load.

add drop-off details - 4

5.      Check the pinned Drop-off Address.
add drop-off details - 5
Note: The Pin icon In the Pin Location map, can be moved.

add drop-off details - pin loc map
6.      Click Confirm Drop-off Location.
add drop-off details - 6

7.      Users will be redirected to the Add New Order page to add other booking details.

add drop-off details - 7
Note: You can also add a note for your rider.

add drop-off details - note
Note: User can edit their Recipient Details by clicking the Edit icon in the Recipient Details field.

add drop-off details - edit
Additional Info: Adding an Address using the Address Book will be discussed in a separate article.